I Need A Good Cry

Have you ever just needed a good cry? And no that doesn’t mean you are depressed, if you answer yes. This post is fairly simple and sweet. My belief is that we all as humans once in a while need a good cry. I believe tears were made as a release of emotions and somehow they make us feel whole and sane again, once they have been released and let go of.

When I first got married, I would sometimes tell my husband I needed some alone time. At first like any normal person, he would ask if I was okay and if he had done something that bothered me. It took him a while to learn that I am just that type of a person, who regardless of the situation, needed space and to be alone at times. I hope I am not the only one who is that way, but quite frankly it wouldn’t even matter, because alone time to me is very valuable for both my mind and soul. Usually this alone time entails a bit of crying, not going to lie.

Have you ever just felt like you go through your day so robotically and so quickly, that you barely have time to hear your own thoughts? Especially after having my kids, my day sometimes flies by without me having a chance to reflect on myself for even a minute. Even as I’m writing this and trying to concentrate my daughter is constantly asking me random questions, simply distracting me from any coherent thought process taking place in my mind. BREATHE.

As women, wives, mothers and whatever other role we take in our lives or others’ lives, we need to take time and also make sure we are simply OKAY. If our mental state or our heart is a mess, everything else will also become a mess. And that is why I sometimes need a good cry. I need to take time on my own, and release all the negative emotions that have drowned my heart and the negative thoughts that have taken over my mind. No matter how happy we are with our lives or how blessed, one element remains the same: WE ARE STILL HUMAN.

The most common misinterpretation is that something must be wrong if we resort to crying. We must be sad, not satisfied with our lives, depressed and so on. Why is it that only negative attributes are linked to the act of crying. How come we never consider letting out tears to actually be a healthy way of expressing emotions and emptying our hearts. I believe that to make things right within ourselves, one of the most essential tools given to mankind is the act of crying. Just like taking a day to go to the spa is beneficial for the body, sometimes letting go of the tears we hold in is beneficial for our soul!