Let Go and Get Going

Take a minute and answer this question before reading the rest of this post. Really think about your answer. What is the one thing you have always wanted to accomplish and what is the one thing or multiple thing(s) standing in your way. Is it fear? Another person? or some imagined failure that’s keeping you from tackling that dream. Now write it down.

Often times before we even start to think of success, thoughts of failure drown out our dreams. These thoughts or feelings can have many different roots. Maybe it was someone telling you your entire life that you won’t amount to anything. Maybe its a significant other discouraging you from your dreams because he/she is already paying all the bills. It may be a failed relationship that’s thrown you into depression and you don’t think you are strong enough to push through. Finally, one of the biggest evils of them all, FEAR.

I ask my four year old daughter, “What do you want to be when you grow up” and she says “a Princess.” Princess Elsa to be exact. Not only does she want to be a Princess, but she believes with all her heart that when she is older, she WILL become Princess Elsa. Why is it that when we are children, we have no sense of fear, no sense of road blocks and no sense of anyone being able to stand in our way? Is it because we know less? Possibly. But is knowing more really a reason to feel defeated and scared of reaching our fullest potential? Now take a look at the list you wrote down earlier. Everything you wrote down is nothing short of fabricated lies and pure excuses we subconsciously feed our minds every day, thus setting ourselves up for failure. The more we focus on the negatives and the “cant’s” the less room we leave for the possibilities and opportunities for our future.

It’s time to let go, get going and take your initial step towards YOUR success. Also keep in mind, that success comes in different forms and there is no universal measurement or formula. We always tend to measure our success by someone else’s achievements. I am guilty of this, as are most of us. For example, if someone is at a certain level of “success” in two years time, we compare our level of “success” in two years and stamp anything short of their reached status as a failure for us. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself doing this time and time again, victimizing myself, belittling myself and thinking I will never be “successful.” I don’t want to keep taking a stab at social media, but I have to point the finger one more time, because it is what corrupts about 80-90% of our thought process and molds our belief system.

You can’t deny that we judge someone’s success level based on their social media pages. If they present a page full of brand names and lavish vacations, we automatically categorize them as “successful.” However, someone who is very accomplished in their goals may not even have a social media account. Do yourself a favor and concentrate on your own plan and path, and stay away from comparing, fearing and envying another’s journey. Create your own.

The bottom line is that there is nothing in this world that should ever stop you from your dreams. Yes that sounds cliché and I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times before, but Ill be the one additional person to tell you yet again. Ill leave you with this; I have a degree and I am very well aware that choosing my career in makeup was against all norms for my family and surrounding. I was mocked, criticized and told there are too many makeup artists, and that this is not a career. Also, that going to school was a total waste, since i changed career paths. (When did being educated become a waste anyway?) I could have used those as road blocks, but i CHOSE to use them as ammunition to push me instead. I love what I do. Oh and look, i’m using my degree to write a blog now! You can do anything you set your mind to and reach your version of success, whatever that may be, but the first step is deleting your false beliefs, taking the word impossible out of your vocabulary and learning to write your own damn story.