No Is A Complete Sentence
/“‘No’ is a complete sentence” is probably the smartest concept/quote I have heard in a very long time. Have you ever thought of it that way? Why is it always so difficult for us to say a simple “No” and not have to follow it with an explanation or an excuse?
Whether we are asked to go out of our way, do a favor for someone or take part in something that is out of our comfort, I believe it’s human nature to always feel obligated to shy away from saying no. We either become vulnerable and take on the task, or uncomfortably say no in different ways, which usually come in the form of excuses or explanations. I personally feel as if “no” is the beginning of a sentence or the ending, because I need to complete it with a reason. However, when you really think about the depth of the answer “No” it truly should be considered a full sentence, without the guilt.
How many times have you had someone ask you, “will you do me a favor” and before answering yes, a million possibilities cross your mind. “Could it be something I don’t want to do? How can I say no even if I don’t want to partake in the task?” It’s almost as if we have been programmed to always answer in the affirmative unless we have a really good reason. Answering in the negative becomes even more difficult when the person asking us is a friend or a family member. We think by saying no we are being a bad friend, etc., and yet the concept does hold some truth to it. It is so common to expect a “yes” from people, that when they turn us down, a sense of resentment and annoyance fills us, as if how dare them reject us. This is a social norm that needs to change for not only those saying no, but those waiting to hear a yes.
Too much of our personal time is wasted, taking on tasks and “yes’s'“ we really did not want to agree to, just so we can make everyone happy. I often find myself in situations, beating myself up for saying “yes” where I should have said “no”, but I am slowly learning to change. Of course this does not apply to everyone and those who are comfortable saying a simple “no” are praise worthy in my eyes. That is where I strive to be. To be comfortable enough refusing a request I don’t like, without having to explain myself. What are your thoughts? Do you ever feel like this or are you one of the brave ones who has no problem turning things down with a firm “No”? I would love to hear your opinions in my comments.